His coalition may hold a clear majority but this could quickly fall away 他的联盟也许会占绝对多数,但这种优势可能会很快丧失。
He also promised to hold off on a massive South Korean canal project, if it is clear the people are against it. 他还保证要暂停一项韩国大型运河工程的建设,假如民众确定对此表示反对的话。
It seemed to hold the moonlight in suspension, rendering it more pervasive than in clear air. 那层雾似乎使月光悬浮起来,让那层雾比在晴朗的天气里显得更具有弥漫性。
A system where we hold ourselves to the same standards that we apply to other nations, with clear rights and responsibilities for all. 在这一组织中,任何国家都有明确的权利和义务,我们会像要求其他人一样要求我们自己。
Greece's austerity program is effectively on hold until its political future is clear. 希腊的紧缩计划事实上已经搁浅,一直要等到该国政局前景变得明朗。
Rushing to hold a simple in-or-out vote sounds clear and decisive. But stalling for time is wiser. 单就留还是走进行一次仓促的投票听起来意义非凡,但是暂时搁置才是更明智的做法。
Mr. Yang gained renown in China for struggling to hold back tears after an injured Liu failed to clear even a single hurdle in crashing out of his preliminary heat in the 110-meter hurdles during the London Olympics earlier this month. 本月早些时候的伦敦奥运会110米栏项目预赛中,受伤病困扰的刘翔连一个栏也没有跨过。在那之后,杨健因其含泪解说而闻名中国。
Left-click and hold while brushing the mirror to clear away all the dust ( make sure you dust the frame). 左键单击并按住镜子刷牙时清除所有灰尘(确保你的灰尘帧)。
Regulators are drawing up plans to force banks to hold greater levels of capital and stronger buffers of liquidity, though it remains far from clear how these will work in practice. 监管机构正在制订计划,迫使银行提高资本金比率,并增强流动性调配机制,尽管对于这些计划在实践中效果会如何,人们仍不得而知。
It looks like the seals will hold until all zones are clear. 看来安全阀能坚持到所有区域都安全。
So keep in mind what successful people always hold to be true so that you will have a clear idea of what you should do to be successful in life. 所以要时刻牢记成功人士的人生信条,以便你能清楚地知道要想拥有成功的人生自己应该做些什么。
As long as you hold on to a clear vision of the future, you'll have a real shot at getting what you want. 只要你坚持一个清晰的远见未来,你将拥有一个真正的机会,在得到自己想要的。
Old Trafford boss Fergie finally conceded defeat in his desperate bid to keep hold of the Portugal ace after Ronaldo made it clear he wanted to join the Spanish giants. 在罗纳尔多明确表示希望加盟西班牙豪门之后,曼联主帅弗格森最终承认自己难以能留住这位葡萄牙大将,在这次转会争夺中失败。
Fujitsu said it would hold off selling the low-cost PC in Japan until it was clear there was sufficient demand. 富士通表示,该公司将暂缓在日本销售这款低价个人电脑,除非市场明确显示有足够需求。
The European Central Bank also kept rates on hold as it made clear it had no intention of stepping up action to combat continental Europe's recession. 欧洲央行(ECB)同样维持利率不变。该机构明确表示,无意采取进一步行动对抗欧洲大陆的经济衰退。
Most importantly, hold a clear conversation with yourself before you sit down with someone else. 最重要的是,在与别人坐下来谈之前先要与自己的内心达成共识。
Plans to hold complex fraud trials without a jury clear the commons, despite strong opposition. 计划举办复杂诈骗没有陪审团审判疏通公地,尽管强烈反对。
In the world, intra-firm trades hold a large proportion of international trade, and show a clear upward trend. 在世界范围内的国际贸易中,跨国公司内部贸易占了很大的比重,并且呈明显的上升趋势。
My date said that it was OK to hold her hand, but she made it very clear that she did not want to be snogged. 我的约会()告诉我可以拉她的手,不过她很清楚地表示她不想被亲吻。
We might explore an agreement among the G8 and key developing countries to hold "global goods" stocks, modelled on the International Energy Agency, governed by transparent and clear rules. 我们或许能探索在八国集团和关键的发展中国家之间达成一致,以国际能源机构(iea)为典范,在透明清晰的规章管理下,进行“全球商品”的储存。
Our job as humans is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want, make it absolutely clear in our minds what we want. 作为人类,我们要做的工作就是持续的思考我们想要的东西,弄清楚我们到底想要什么。
We have to be certain that we can hold clear title to the work of art in question. 我们必须确定我们对一件艺术品能够明确地持有所有权。
Through research, I hold the opinion that Dougong have a clear sign's clue from its origin to contemporary era. 笔者通过研究,认为从起源一直到当代,斗栱都有着一条明确的符号线索。
3/ To hold on and develop Marxism in the science of sociology, the key lies in making clear the two patterns of sociology and making theory innovations in sociology research with Chinese features. 在社会学学科中坚持和发展马克思主义的关键是要搞清楚社会学的两种形态,进行有中国特色社会学的理论创新。
In order to obtain the sustainable development, we must hold a clear view of eco-typical urban management. 为获得城市的可持续发展必须确立明确的整体生态观作为城市公共管理者治理城市的基本理念,并应为此制定切实可行的指标体系以保障生态观的落实。
We should hold to the principle of combining talent mobility, basic security and government subsidy, make clear the target positioning and adopt unified national legislation to improve security level. 改革与完善这一制度应坚持有利于人才流动、基本保障与政府补助相结合等原则,明确目标定位,采取统一国家立法,提高保障水平,建立代理机制和争议解决机制等措施。
Among romantic writers 'mind, nature have broad mind and manner much than this world, it is enough to hold and find sustenance of their hope for ideal, and make uninhabited place and not quite clear history of thing of the past idealize. 在浪漫主义作家心目中,大自然比眼前的尘世有着宽广得多的胸怀和气度,足以容纳和寄托他们对理想的焦灼的盼望,把人迹罕至的地方和已成陈迹的年代不详的历史理想化。
Most people hold the opinion that diplomatic activities have always been requiring clear and concrete language, so the systematic study of vagueness in diplomatic language has been neglected. 通常人们认为外交活动所运用的语言必须具体简洁、明确清楚,不能含糊其辞,所以对于语言模糊性在外交语言方面的系统性研究一直处于被忽视的情况。
Some Root-seeking writers hold clear rational consciousness of science against ghosts and gods 'culture. 以韩少功为代表的一批寻根作家,他们有明确的科学与理性意识,对鬼神文化持否定的立场。
First of all, hold three pushing test to these two kind of new shear connector, and make clear that under the vertical shear stress the role of the force, deformation characteristics, and around the damaged concrete shape. 首先对新型剪力连接件进行三组推出试验,考察其在纵向剪应力作用的受力、变形特征,及其周围混凝土的破坏形态。